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Flex Your Savings Power

Flex Your Savings Power

Dynamic Peak Pricing is right for you if you have flexibility with some of your electricity use. You can save on your electricity bill by taking advantage of lower rate periods, like doing your laundry on weekends and setting a schedule on your smart thermostat for savings and comfort.

Benefits of Dynamic Peak Pricing:

  • Empowers you to select a dynamic electricity rate
  • Significantly discounts the cost of electricity from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. weekdays and all weekend long
  • Eases strain on the grid, improving reliability and benefitting our environment

Switching to this rate is easy. Learn more about eligibility for Dynamic Peak Pricing and select this rate.

Dynamic Peak Pricing gives you opportunities to save on your electricity bill by taking advantage of lower rate periods. Your flexibility and planning, like doing your laundry on weekends and setting a schedule on your smart thermostat for savings and comfort, helps you manage electricity costs.

Benefits of Dynamic Peak Pricing:

  • Significantly discounts the cost of electricity from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. weekdays and all weekend long
  • Eases strain on the grid, improving reliability and benefitting our environment

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Select This Rate

Please note: You may already be on this rate. Sign in to see your rate.

How it Works

How it Works

You make the choices that best fit your household, lifestyle and budget. Dynamic Peak Pricing puts you in control when you know about and take advantage of lower rate periods.

Off-Peak is the lowest rate and offers you the most time for managing your energy use for savings opportunities on Dynamic Peak Pricing.

On-Peak coincides with the time on weekdays when the electricity grid experiences the heaviest traffic. The higher rate encourages you to shift some of your energy use to mornings, nights and weekends to lower overall strain on the grid.

Rates shown are representative of power supply capacity, non-capacity and distribution charges, and do not include applicable surcharges or taxes. Rates may change by Michigan Public Service Commission order.

Designated Holidays: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Critical Peak: Occurs no more than 14 weekdays per year from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. Learn more about Critical Peak Events.

Am I Eligible?

Switching to Dynamic Peak Pricing:

  • If you're a DTE electric customer and have a smart meter (also called an AMI meter), you're eligible for this rate. Learn more about smart meters.
  • If you're already on a separately metered electric service, tariff or rate, like Interruptible Air Conditioning (also called CoolCurrents), you aren't eligible for Dynamic Peak Pricing.


  • You're required to remain on Dynamic Peak Pricing for 12 months and maintain the same eligibility met when you switched to the rate.
  • To ensure you receive Critical Peak Event notifications, you'll need to select and maintain at least two methods of communication (e.g. automated phone call, text message or email). Notifications are sent at least six hours before a scheduled event.

For more information, please see the Dynamic Peak Pricing Terms & Conditions.

am i eligible am i eligible

About Critical Peak Events

About Critical Peak Events

In exchange for a discounted rate during Off-Peak hours, Dynamic Peak Pricing includes Critical Peak Events. Your participation in Critical Peak Events contributes to our commitment to sustaining and improving grid reliability for you and your neighbors.

What is a Critical Peak Event?

A Critical Peak Event may be called when extraordinary situations occur or energy demand strains the grid, like during a heat wave, when electricity use is at its highest.

On the Dynamic Peak Pricing rate, the cost of electricity rises during events to $1.04 per kWh to encourage customers to reduce electricity use in their household and relieve strain on the grid.

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How often do they happen?

Critical Peak Events are rare. They happen only on select weekdays beginning at 3 p.m. and ending at 7 p.m. (four hours) and are limited to no more than 14 events (56 hours) per calendar year.

Events will never occur on a holiday. It's possible that Critical Peak Events may occur on consecutive days, if needed.

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How will I know an event has been announced?

You will be notified up to 24 hours but no less than six hours (by 9 a.m.) before a Critical Peak Event is announced through two alert methods you select from among automated phone call, text message or email.

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Managing Your Savings

Flexibility and planning are keys to saving money when you're on Dynamic Peak Pricing. You can reduce your electricity costs by shifting some of your energy use away from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays.

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Set a Schedule

Take advantage of Off-and Mid-Peak times by setting a schedule on your thermostat that reduces heating and cooling temperatures during On-Peak hours.

Tip: During hot summer days, pre-cool your home and allow the temperature to rise during On-Peak times.


Take advantage of Off-and Mid-Peak times by setting a schedule on your thermostat that reduces heating and cooling temperatures during On-Peak hours.

Tip: During hot summer days, pre-cool your home and allow the temperature to rise during On-Peak times.

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Laundry on Weekends

Weekends are a great time to catch up on household chores, like doing the laundry, with Off-Peak hours all day Saturday and Sunday.

Tip: Whenever possible, use the cold water washer setting. Heating the water can account for up to 90% of the energy it takes to operate a clothes washer.


Weekends are a great time to catch up on household chores, like doing the laundry, with Off-Peak hours all day Saturday and Sunday.

Tip: Whenever possible, use the cold water washer setting. Heating the water can account for up to 90% of the energy it takes to operate a clothes washer.


Dishwasher at Night

Delay running your dishwasher until you're heading off to bed. That will give you plenty of time to load it up and save during Off-Peak hours.

Tip: Fill up your dishwasher before running it. About the same amount of energy and water are used in each wash, regardless of load size.


Delay running your dishwasher until you're heading off to bed. That will give you plenty of time to load it up and save during Off-Peak hours.

Tip: Fill up your dishwasher before running it. About the same amount of energy and water are used in each wash, regardless of load size.

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Do Laundry on Weekends

With Off-Peak hours all day Saturday and Sunday, weekends are a great time to catch up laundry.

Tips: Use the cold water setting whenever possible. Heating the water can account for up to 90% of the energy it takes to operate a clothes washer. Then, fill up your clothes dryer, but don't overload it. The dryer needs space for air circulation to efficiently dry fabrics.


With Off-Peak hours all day Saturday and Sunday, weekends are a great time to catch up laundry.

Tips: Use the cold water setting whenever possible. Heating the water can account for up to 90% of the energy it takes to operate a clothes washer. Then, fill up your clothes dryer, but don't overload it. The dryer needs space for air circulation to efficiently dry fabrics.

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Set a Thermostat Schedule

Set a schedule on your smart thermostat to reduce heating and cooling temperatures during On-Peak hours.

Tips: On hot summer days, pre-cool your home and allow the temperature to rise during On-Peak times. By dialing up the thermostat two degrees and using your ceiling fan, you can lower air conditioning costs by up to 14% over the course of the cooling season.


Set a schedule on your smart thermostat to reduce heating and cooling temperatures during On-Peak hours.

Tips: On hot summer days, pre-cool your home and allow the temperature to rise during On-Peak times. By dialing up the thermostat two degrees and using your ceiling fan, you can lower air conditioning costs by up to 14% over the course of the cooling season.

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Run Dishwasher at Night

Delay running your dishwasher until you're heading off to bed. Save during Off-Peak hours even as you sleep.

Tips: Fill up your dishwasher during the day. About the same amount of energy and water are used in each wash, regardless of load size. But make sure you don't block the sprayer arm inside the dishwasher and end up with dirty dishes.


Delay running your dishwasher until you're heading off to bed. Save during Off-Peak hours even as you sleep.

Tips: Fill up your dishwasher during the day. About the same amount of energy and water are used in each wash, regardless of load size. But make sure you don't block the sprayer arm inside the dishwasher and end up with dirty dishes.

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Save with Smart Strips & Plugs

Plugged-in devices draw energy even when not in use and can account for as much as 12% of your monthly electric bill!

Tips: Power strips that have a countdown timer you preset cut energy to TVs, gaming equipment and AV units when they aren't being used. A smart plug controlled by a smartphone app lets you power off lamps, TVs, printers and gaming consoles not in use.


Plugged-in devices draw energy even when not in use and can account for as much as 12% of your monthly electric bill!

Tips: Power strips that have a countdown timer you preset cut energy to TVs, gaming equipment and AV units when they aren't being used. A smart plug controlled by a smartphone app lets you power off lamps, TVs, printers and gaming consoles not in use.

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Lights. Savings. Action.

Make use of natural lighting during On-Peak hours and turn off lights in unoccupied spaces. Lighting can account for up to 20% of a typical electric bill.

Tips: Be sure to switch to energy-efficient, longer lasting LED light bulbs. For convenience and energy savings, connect lights with a smart switch or smart plug paired with a smartphone app. You can control lighting whether you're home or away.


Make use of natural lighting during On-Peak hours and turn off lights in unoccupied spaces. Lighting can account for up to 20% of a typical electric bill.

Tips: Be sure to switch to energy-efficient, longer lasting LED light bulbs. For convenience and energy savings, connect lights with a smart switch or smart plug paired with a smartphone app. You can control lighting whether you're home or away.

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Charging Your Electric Vehicle

If you can, wait to charge your electric vehicle until after 7 p.m. or 11 p.m. to take advantage of lower rates on through morning hours.

Tips: On cold nights and mornings, try to finish your charging as close as possible to the time you plan to drive. Charging warms the battery, and you'll have more range from the same amount of energy.


If you can, wait to charge your electric vehicle until after 7 p.m. or 11 p.m. to take advantage of lower rates on through morning hours.

Tips: On cold nights and mornings, try to finish your charging as close as possible to the time you plan to drive. Charging warms the battery, and you'll have more range from the same amount of energy.

Find More Ways to Save

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Explore our Energy Efficient Interactive Home and discover tips, offers and smart home products you can use to save money and energy in your home.

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Dynamic Peak Pricing FAQs

How do I stay eligible for Dynamic Peak Pricing?

As part of the agreement when you selected Dynamic Peak Pricing, you must remain on the new rate for a minimum of 12 months.

You cannot add any separately metered service, tariff or rate, like Interruptible Air Conditioning (also called CoolCurrents). Please see Dynamic Peak Pricing Terms & Conditions for more information.

Does DTE have tools I can use to monitor my energy use?

Yes. You can reference your usage graph updated every 24 hours to keep you on track. You can review your energy usage by selecting a day, date range or 13-month time period and review your energy use during the different rate periods.

You can also download the free DTE Insight App, which shows you how everyday activities impact your usage. Pair the Insight App with DTE's Energy Bridge - a hub for managing your home energy use from a smart device, whether you're home or away.

Get a Free Smart Thermostat with SmartCurrents

You can maximize savings on Dynamic Peak Pricing with a free Wi-Fi-enabled ecobee Smart Thermostat Premium (a $249 value) by enrolling in SmartCurrents.

Using your SmartCurrents thermostat year-round makes your Dynamic Peak Pricing rate work even more effectively to manage home comfort and savings.

Your smart thermostat will help you automatically reduce some of your electricity use during SmartCurrents Peak Events and your rate's Critical Peak Events to help you save.

Find out more about SmartCurrents

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